Lydia Craig Lydia Craig

Are you missing out on the real world?

Often the best lessons are learned at the most inconvenient times and through the most unlikely individuals.

Don Miller says it best: “The most difficult lie I have ever contended with is this: life is a story about me.”

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Lydia Craig Lydia Craig

Build-a-bear in 8 short hours

I survived Build-A-Bear's Pay Your Age Sale.

Me + 3 kids (ages 7, 4, and 2) X 8 hours. Yes, the math is correct. We stood in line for EIGHT HOURS.

I can't believe I'm even typing this.

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Lydia Craig Lydia Craig

What Does Your Soul Long For?

What is your vision of the afterlife? I’ve asked a lot of people this question, and I’ve found everyone has a slightly different answer. However, within our varying answers, I’ve found a common thread... we are all searching for presence.

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Lydia Craig Lydia Craig

Our Response to Grief

In the religious community, high expectations are placed on how we respond to evil and suffering. There is pressure to put on a confident face, stuff your feelings, and speak the accepted jargon. The popular jargon is often a lie that contradicts scripture. Three lies, in particular, I hate hearing.

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Lydia Craig Lydia Craig

FREE Four-Seasons Calendar

I'm sharing my Four-Seasons Calendar in honor of my old blog.

This simple wheel gives kids a yearly visual of how the calendar is circular, not square (you can explain how the earth circles the sun). The calendar also gets kids excited for each season change.


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